太宗(たいそう 598年12月22日 - 649年5月26日、在位626年 - 649年)は、中国朝の二代目皇帝。諱は世民(せいみん)。高祖李淵の次子。兄の李建成を殺害し皇帝になった。王朝の基礎を固める善政を行い、中国史上最高の名君と称えられる。-wikipedia.jp


Emperor Taizong of Tang China

Emperor Tang Taizong of China (598 - May 26, 649), born Li Shimin (李世民), was the second emperor of the Tang Dynasty of China from 627 to 649. He encouraged his father, Li Yuan, to start the uprising that established the Tang dynasty, and many now consider Taizong to have been the co-founder of the dynasty. Taizong conquered several neighbouring tribes and forced them to recognize him as Heavenly Khan (天可汗). Under his reign, the famous rule of Guanzhen (貞觀之治) took place (his era name was Guanzhen). His posthumous name was Wenhu-dasheng-daguang Xiao Huangdi (文武大聖大廣孝皇帝 "Filial Emperor who is Civil and Martial, Greatly Holy, and Greatly Expansive").-wikipedia.en

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Last-modified: 2005-02-26 (土) 13:04:50