マンドラゴラ、Mandragora、マンドレイク、Mandrake、Alraune、アラウネ Mandrake is the common name for the plant Mandragora, whose roots, because their curious bifurcation cause them to have a semblance to the human figure (male & female), have long been used in magical spells and witchcraft.-wikipedia.en 植物学Herbstblühende Alraune (Mandragora autumnalis)giftpflanzen.com 分類:ナス科マンドラゴラ属。 伝説絞首台の下に滴り落ちた死刑囚の精液から生えるという。 マキアヴェルリの作品名Mandragola, prose comedy in five acts, with prologue in verse, 1513 Summary of Machiavelli's La Mandragola |