エリザベス2世、Elizabeth Alexandra Mary、Elizabeth II、(1926年4月21日 - ) グレートブリテンおよび北アイルランド連合王国女王(在位、1952年2月6日 - )。 ジョージ6世と王妃エリザベスの長女。夫君はエディンバラ公フィリップ。-wikipedia.jp Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor (born April 21, 1926) is the Queen regnant and head of state of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and 15 other Commonwealth countries. She is Head of the Commonwealth and Supreme Governor of the Church of England. She has reigned since February 6, 1952, and is the world's third-longest-serving current head of state (after Rama IX and Rainier III). About 125 million people live in countries of which she is head of state.-wikipedia.en |